Monday, September 28, 2009

Mini Follows

I've now taken 3 postions -- small ones -- based on other people's ideas.


They are all essentially value microcaps.  The key to microcap investing is obviously patience.  Something I am working on.

A few people I follow like CHIO, one of them was/is a big fan of RINO.  Needless to say, he's a good person to follow.

I am a bit conflicted since the markets themselves are very extended and John Hussman is more bearish than he's ever been.  Plus the dollar is staying up.  And the markets are probably rallying on oversold conditions plus Yom Kippur light volume plus end of month dressing.  So a lot of short term reasons to go up.  But not  a lot of reasons to stay up.   I'm keeping my small position in SDS and a bigger short position in my managed portfolio.  

 I sold a little bit of CBPO.ob which has been a big winner in my Mom's portfolio.  UUP is going to call the shots... mostly I'm seeing very little fear but nowadays, the markets can turn on a dime.

I still prefer to panic first, even when there's nothing to be scared of.  It limits a lot of profits, I know.  I'm working on it.

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